
In our anatomy laboratory course for nursing and dental hygiene majors, students use cadavers previously dissected in other courses. To facilitate locating structures more independently, video lab guides were produced. Previously, students performed similarly on laboratory practicals whether videos supplemented instruction or not. However, the previous cohort was introduced to the videos late in the course when overall scores improve due to experience with the testing format and may have masked an effect of the videos. Here we compared student performance on laboratory practical questions for two labs, one with (n=7 questions) and one without (n=9) video supplementation for the first quiz of the semester when the students were naive to the practical testing format. 123 students participated in the course. Numbers of students answering questions correctly did not significantly differ (p=0.6) for either instructional format. The previous cohort rated videos an average of 4.79 on a scale of 1 to 5 for benefit in studying. Student perception does not appear to reflect actual improvement in performance with the use of videos.

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