
Work stealing is a popular solution to perform dynamic load balancing of irregular computations, both for shared memory and distributed memory systems. While shared memory performance of work stealing is well understood, distributing this algorithm to several thousands of nodes can introduce new performance issues. In particular, most studies of work stealing assume that all participating processes are equidistant from each other, in terms of communication latency. This paper presents a new performance evaluation of the popular UTS benchmark, in its work stealing implementation, on the scale of ten thousands of compute nodes. Taking advantage of the physical scale of the K Computer, we investigate in details the performance impact of communication latencies on work stealing. In particular, we introduce a new performance metric to assess the time needed by the work stealing scheduler to distribute work among all processes. Using this metric, we identify a previously overlooked issue: the victim selection function used by the work stealing application can severely impact its performance at large scale. To solve this issue, we introduce a new strategy taking into account the physical distance between nodes and achieve significant performance improvements.

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