
Cutler suggested almost 30 years ago that there was convergent evolution between African and Australian Restionaceae in the distinctive culm anatomical features of Restionaceae. This was based on his interpretation of the homologies of the anatomical features, and these are here tested against a «supertree» phylogeny, based on three separate phylogenies. The first is based on morphology and includes all genera; the other two are based on molecular sequences from the chloroplast genome; one covers the African genera, and the other the Australian genera. This analysis corroborates Cutler's interpretation of convergent evolution between African and Australian Restionaceae. However, it indicates that for the Australian genera, the evolutionary pathway of the culm anatomy is much more complex than originally thought. In the most likely scenario, the ancestral Restionaceae have protective cells derived from the chlorenchyma. These persist in African Restionaceae, but are soon lost in Australian Restionaceae. Pillar cells and sclerenchyma ribs evolve early in the diversification of Australian Restionaceae, but are secondarily lost numerous times. In some of the reduction cases, the result is a very simple culm anatomy, which Cutler had interpreted as a primitively simple culm type, while in other cases it appears as if the functions of the ribs and pillars may have been taken over by a new structure, protective cells developed from epidermal, rather than chlorenchyma, cells. Cutler suggested that this convergent evolution might have been in response to Tertiary climatic deterioration, but this study finds no strong corroborating evidence for this.

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