
Modern oil-processing industry is based of development of the real sector of economy of any state. Cardinal equipment modernization is necessary for increase in efficiency and acceleration of rates of oil processing. In this regard development of new designs of contact devices for mass-exchanged processes is the most urgent task. For her decision in this article the design of the vibronozzle mass-exchanged device for carrying out process of extraction is offered. The feature of the developed design consists in sectioning of the interdish-shaped space filled with layers of a floating pack that allows to prevent cross hashing of the interacting components in devices even of big diameter and to provide counterflow carrying out process in the conditions of vibration influences. For assessment of efficiency of the upgraded device process of crushing of a disperse phase at back and forth motion is investigated and also process of formation of a surface of contact of phases for each operating mode of the device – the vibropulsation, vibropump and vibroboiling is considered. During the researches on height of volume of interdish-shaped space of the device three pronounced zones differing in the impact on the considered liquid drop have been revealed. Also as a result of the done work expression of dependence of diameter of drops in the device is received from the geometrical sizes of mass-exchanged devices and from physical and chemical properties of phases.

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