
<abstract> <bold>Abstract. </bold>This paper focuses on path tracking and vibration reducing velocity control inside strawberry field furrows. A path tracking controller is developed which maintains the robot chassis in the center of the furrow and parallel to the furrow walls by minimizing the heading error between the robot’s velocity vector and a look ahead point placed at a constant distance ahead of the robot in the center of the furrow. This type of control is based on a method known as pure pursuit. The velocity controller developed implements a finite state machine which controls the velocity based on the vibration energy. When the vibration is higher or lower than different vibration thresholds, the velocity will be changed accordingly. The results of the experiments demonstrate that by reducing velocity when the robot enters an uneven terrain, the vibration energy of the robot stays within the range that it was in when the robot was on the even terrain. Furthermore, the results indicate that the path tracking controller was able to maintain a lateral error of less than 2 centimeters from the center of a 50 centimeter wide furrow and heading error of less than 3 degrees. Future experiments will include determining the threshold a fragile crop can experience without bruising damage so that a maximum velocity that will maintain the integrity of the crop can be determined.

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