
Objective: To confirm that free water molecules and hydrogen bond strength of OH groups underlie difference between two homeopathic drugs at ultrahigh dilution (UHD).
 Method: FTIR and Laser Raman spectra of UHDs of X-ray and Magnetis Poli Ambo were obtained in the wave number regions of 2400-4000 cm-1 and 2400-4200 cm-1, respectively. Mother tincture (MT) were prepared by exposing ethanol water to X-radiation for X-ray and magnetic field for Magnetis. Spectra of the reference water and the three UHDs of Ethanol were also taken. All the samples were in water-ethanol solution in which the ethanol content was 25%. For FTIR the difference spectrum (absorbance of a UHD minus absorbance of reference water) was obtained after normalization of the spectrum at 3410 cm-1. For Raman spectra the intensity ratio at vibration frequencies between 3200 and 3420 cm-1 (R1), and that between 3620 and 3420 cm-1 (R2), were calculated for each UHD. The intensity at 3600 cm-1 in the difference spectra (FTIR) represents the number of free water molecules in UHDs. R2 values in Raman scattering suggest the same thing.
 Results: The data in both cases follow almost a similar pattern of difference among the UHDs studied here. For example, X-ray: FTIR 14

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