
Experiments are described in which the vibration sensitivity was tested for primary and secondary endings of soleus muscle spindles of the anaesthetised cat. The vibratory stimulus was applied longitudinally to the muscle tendon and, after locating the site of the spindle in the muscle, applied transversely to muscle fibres directly overlying the spindle. All measurements were made with the muscle slack, at 20 mm shorter than its maximum physiological length (Lm-20 mm). Spindles were separated into two groups: spontaneous spindles, which maintained background activity at this length, and silent spindles, which did not. Two forms of muscle conditioning were used: hold-long, in which the muscle was stretched by 5 mm, contracted and then returned to the test length, and hold-test, in which a conditioning contraction was given at the test length. After hold-test, most spindles responded to longitudinal vibration; after hold-long, most did not. This difference in responsiveness was attributed to the presence or absence of slack in intrafusal and extrafusal fibres, due to the muscle's thixotropic property. When the vibration was applied transversely, at a site directly overlying the spindle, responses of silent spindles continued to show thixotropic behaviour, whereas responses of spontaneous spindles were almost independent of the form of muscle conditioning. It is proposed that the ability of spontaneous spindles to maintain background activity at short muscle lengths is due to connective tissue or elastic fibre links between the sensory ending and the spindle capsule. The vibratory stimulus, applied transversely, reaches the sensory ending via these strands which, as non-muscle tissue, do not alter their mechanical state as a result of muscle conditioning.

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