
The dynamic string motion, which displacement is unilaterally constrained by the rigid termination condition of an arbitrary geometry has been simulated and analyzed. The treble strings of a grand piano usually terminate at a capo bar, which is situated above the strings. The apex of a V-shaped section of the capo bar defines the end of the speaking length of the strings. A numerical calculation based on the traveling wave solution is proposed for modeling the nonlinearity inducing interactions between the vibrating string and the contact condition at the point of string termination. It was shown that the lossless string vibrates in two distinct vibration regimes. In the beginning the string starts to interact in a nonlinear fashion with the rigid terminator, and the resulting string motion is aperiodic. Consequently, the spectrum of the string motion depends on the amplitude of string vibrations, and its spectral structure changes continuously with the passage of time. The duration of that vibration regime depends on the geometry of the terminator. After some time of aperiodic vibration, the string vibrations settle in a periodic regime where the resulting spectrum remains constant.

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