
Large lightweight slender links mounted on mobile robots enlarge their workspace. This work presents one of these robots that has been endowed with 4 legs to improve its static stability—which is put at risk by the large link—and help in the positioning of the link. The efficiency of this system depends on its accuracy in positioning and orientating the end-effector placed at the tip of the link, which is compromised by vibrations that appear in the link during the movement and permanent deflections caused by gravity. A relatively simple control scheme that combines a feedback control of the pose of the mobile platform with a feedforward term that orientates the link is proposed. It uses three legs as actuators; and feeds back measurements of the extensions of the three legs and the orientation of the platform given by an inertial sensor placed in the upper part of the mobile platform. Based on the flatness property of a simplified dynamic model of the link, its dynamics can be easily inverted, being used to implement the proposed feedforward term. Since such feedforward term is used, extra sensors to measure the deflection of the link are not needed, and since the legs are used to move the link, extra actuators mounted on the link are neither needed. All this allows us to reduce the weight and the volume of the payload carried by the mobile platform. Results obtained through a finite elements software and experimentation of the real prototype show the good performance attained with the proposed control strategy.

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