
The Bacaba (Oenocarpus bacaba) belongs to the Arecaceae family, is a palm tree native to the Amazon, in which it is distributed throughout the Amazon basin, mainly in the regions of Pará, Tocantins, Acre, and in southern Maranhão, having as habitat the high virgin forest. The production of quality seedlings depends on several factors, and the composition of substrates is a major factor, because seed germination, root initiation, and rooting are directly linked to the chemical, physical and biological characteristics of the substrate. The experiment was carried out at the Federal Institute of Education - IFTO, Sciences, and Technology of Tocantins, in the city of Gurupi - TO, between September 5, 2018, and December 30, 2018. For the realization of the same, Bacaba seeds (Oenocarpus bacaba) were used, which were purchased at the street fair in the municipality of Gurupi - TO. Root and shoot length, number of leaves, root and shoot dry mass, first emergency count and seedling emergence were evaluated. The substrates: Washed Sand, Commercial Substrate, Pinus Bark + Sawdust Powder + Commercial Substrate, and Worm Humus + Coconut Shell + Commercial Substrate + Sawdust Powder provided the highest values of viability and vigor in Bacaba seeds.

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