
Denne artikkelen belyser hvilke erfaringer elever gjør seg når de produserer podkaster i litteraturundervisningen på videregående. Studien bygger på åtte fokusgruppeintervjuer med elever i vg1 studiespesialiserende (N = 30). Analysene viser blant annet at elevene setter pris på å lage podkaster i litteraturundervisningen, at arbeidsmetoden legger godt til rette for samarbeid mellom elevene, og at podkast som vurderingsform kan bidra til økt variasjon i det muntlige vurderingsarbeidet. Elevene uttrykker også at det til tider var vanskelig å skape flyt i samtalene under innspilling, og poengterer at temaet samtidslyrikk var en av årsakene til dette. Funnene viser at elever har utbytte av å lage podkaster i litteraturundervisningen, og at arbeidsmetoden legger til rette for å arbeide systematisk med elevenes muntlige ferdigheter. ENGLISH ABSTRACT “We could just erase and record again.” Upper secondary school students’ experiences of producing podcasts in their literature class This article sheds light on upper secondary school students’ experiences of producing podcasts in their literature class. The study is based on eight focus group interviews (N = 30). The analysis shows that the students enjoy producing podcasts as a part of their literature class, that the method facilitates collaboration between them, and that student production of podcasts can contribute to increased variety regarding the forms of oral assessment in school. However, the students express that it sometimes was difficult to create a smooth conversation flow during their recordings, and that the topic of contemporary poetry was one of the reasons. The findings show that students can benefit from producing podcasts in their literature class, and that the method facilitates systematic work with students’ oral skills.

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