
The raphe nucleus is critical for feeding, rewarding and memory. However, how the heterogenous raphe neurons are molecularly and structurally organized to engage their divergent functions remains unknown. Here, we genetically target a subset of neurons expressing VGLUT3. VGLUT3 neurons control the efficacy of spatial memory retrieval by synapsing directly with parvalbumin-expressing GABA interneurons (PGIs) in the dentate gyrus. In a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease (AD mice), VGLUT3→PGIs synaptic transmission is impaired by ETV4 inhibition of VGLUT3 transcription. ETV4 binds to a promoter region of VGLUT3 and activates VGLUT3 transcription in VGLUT3 neurons. Strengthening VGLUT3→PGIs synaptic transmission by ETV4 activation of VGLUT3 transcription upscales the efficacy of spatial memory retrieval in AD mice. This study reports a novel circuit and molecular mechanism underlying the efficacy of spatial memory retrieval via ETV4 inhibition of VGLUT3 transcription and hence provides a promising target for therapeutic intervention of the disease progression.

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