
Vetiver is one of the essential oil-producing plants, commonly called vetiver oil. With a deep, broad, and thick root system, the species is characteristically well-adapted to various environmental stresses, including salinity. The presented study strived to evaluate several vetiver ecotypes under diverse salinity stress conditions and identify the best with enhanced salinity tolerance. The said study continued in a completely randomized design (CRD) with factorial arrangement and two factors. The first factor was salinity stress comprising six varying levels, i.e., control (without salinity) and saline soils with 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20 dsm-1. The second factor consisted of three vetiver ecotypes: Bogor, Bojonegoro, and Padang. The results revealed that salinity stress levels, ecotypes, and their interactions significantly affected the growth, physiological, and oil yield traits, such as plant height, leaf area, number of tillers, chlorophyll a and b, root length and volume, and oil yield. Salinity stress at 16 dsm-1 significantly impacted plant growth but enhanced chlorophyll a and b content. The ecotype Bojonegoro had better canopy growth, while the ecotype Padang had better root growth, resulting in higher oil production compared with the ecotype Bojonegoro. The ecotype Bojonegoro with 16 dsm-1 salinity stress significantly increased chlorophyll a and b content, and the ecotype Padang showed the highest oil production without salinity stress compared with salinity stress conditions.

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