
When animals are suffering, we have a duty to take action. With appropriate incentive and educational support mandatory veterinary reporting can be a great legal avenue to help ensure their safety and welfare. The veterinarian's duty to report suspected cruelty is an important issue. Lachance's (2016) target article addresses many of the issues that the veterinary and legal community face. The conflicts discussed can be reasonably resolved with certain actions, but educational support and changing the mindset of the veterinary community are also required. It should be stressed that the reporting of abuse is for suspected abuse, the purpose of which is to initiate an investigation. The proven link of cruelty to other types of crimes is the foundation to support this action. Veterinarians in practice, regardless of the nature of the client relationship, cannot determine what is truly happening in the animal's home environment and must consider that other animals and people may be at risk. There may be a criminal history involving animals or people. In addition, the veterinarian cannot judge culpability. That is for the legal investigation to determine - if a crime occurred and who is responsible for the crime.

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