
The author has arranged a curriculum for undergraduate students of veterinary medicine covering the more common pathogenic micro-organisms affecting domestic animals. On the valid and customary ground that bacteriology has a broader definition than the word indicates, molds, yeasts, filtrable viruses and bacteriophage are included. Protozoa, however, are left for the parasitologist. The opening chapter is a brief but quite accurate account of the historical events which led to the present conception of micropathology. Infection, immunity, anaphylaxis and serologic tests are outlined. The technics and methods related are those commonly employed in the teaching of elementary bacteriology. The terminology, classification of bacteria and the descriptive material conform to modern usage. The more important species of Salmonella affecting man and animals are singled out for particular attention. The species of this genus are well chosen and well described as to their history, their hygienic significance and the laboratory methods now employed

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