
Recent evidence has shown that vestibular migraine is strongly associated with cognitive difficulties. However, limited data exist on real-world effects of that dysfunction. The objective of this study is to understand the epidemiology of cognitive dysfunction with vestibular migraine and associated sequelae using National Health Interview Survey data. Randomized, population-based survey study of US adults. We generated a case definition approximating probable vestibular migraine based on Bárány Society criteria and validated that definition in a tertiary care vestibular clinic. Adult respondents to the 2016 NHIS, which queries a representative sample of the civilian, noninstitutionalized US population. Diagnostic. We evaluated incidence of self-reported cognitive dysfunction with vestibular migraine and whether individuals were more likely to have impaired mobility, falls, and work absenteeism than those without either condition. Among individuals with vestibular migraine, 40% reported "some" and 12% reported "a lot" of difficulty thinking versus 13% and 2% of those without vestibular migraine, respectively. Vestibular migraine sufferers were more likely to have difficulty thinking or remembering compared with respondents without dizziness (odds ratio, 7.43; 95% confidence interval, 6.06-9.10; p < 0.001) when controlled for age, sex, education, stroke, smoking, heart disease, and diabetes. Individuals with both vestibular migraine and cognitive dysfunction had fivefold increased odds of falls and 10-fold increased odds of mobility issues compared with those without either condition. Furthermore, individuals with both vestibular migraine and cognitive dysfunction missed 12.8 more days of work compared to those without either condition. Our findings indicate vestibular migraine is not only associated with cognitive dysfunction, but they are together associated with mobility issues, fall risk, and work absenteeism.

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