
In a communication<sup>1</sup>read before the Section on Urology of the American Medical Association in 1927, the possible extension of inflammatory processes in viscera adjacent to the superior pelvorectal space was clearly emphasized. Instances were cited in which infection originating in the seminal vesicles, superior urethra and other structures had spread to this space and, forming inflammatory deposits, had subsequently involved other juxtaposed organs. It was in this communication that pertinent data relative to the etiology of vesico-intestinal fistula were brought to light. The literature on the subject records a proportionately limited number of cases. Prior to 1870, when Blanquinque's<sup>2</sup>article appeared, there are a few isolated references mainly of French source, by Boyer,<sup>3</sup>DeSault<sup>3</sup>and Chopart.<sup>3</sup>In the seventeenth century Schenckius,<sup>3</sup>a German practitioner of Freiburg, noted the occurrence of a vesico-intestinal fistula in a fellow practitioner consequent on degenerative changes in a

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