
The Large Hadron Electron Collider (LHeC) is a proposed future deep-inelastic scattering facility at CERN, where protons or heavy ions from an existing LHC storage ring collide with electrons or positrons beam of energy 60 to 140 GeV from a newly built machine. The LHeC is presently being evaluated in the form of two options, ‘ring-ring’ (RR) and ‘linac-ring’ (LR), either of which operate simultaneously with proton-proton or heavy ion collisions at the existing LHC experiments. The conceptual design of the LHeC detector was presented in this workshop by A. Polini [1]. In this report I discuss the detector components which are located outside of the main apparatus, in the very forward and backward directions, and aimed for the measurement of luminosity, electron beam polarisation and the baryons scattered at very low angles. In order to finalise the study of the geometry of detectors, a detailed simulation of the LHeC interaction region and the beamline must be performed.

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