
G. Galizzi, L. Venturini: Introduction.- The Economics of Vertical Coordination: A.M. Azzam, E. Pagoulatos: Vertical Relationships A. Boon: Capabilities, Transaction Costs, and Vertical Coordination in the Food System R.W. Cotterill: The Economics of Private Label Pricing and Channel Coordination G. Galizzi, L. Venturini: Towards a Theory of Successful Vertical Cooperation in the Food System R.E. Goodhue, G.C. Rausser: Value Differentiation in Agriculture: Driving Forces and Complementarities S.F. Hamilton, K. Stiegert: Backward Linkages and Strategic Firm Behavior: An Application to International Trade E.W. Kuiper, M.T.G. Meulenberg: A Structural Vector Error-Correction Model of Price Time Series to Detect Bottleneck Stages within a Marketing Channel J. Marttila: The Effect of Economic Integration in Oligopolistic Markets F. Nicolas: Globalization's Consequences for Vertical Coordination and Competition in the Food System I.M. Sheldon, D.H. Pick, S. McCorriston: Export Subsidies in a Vertically-Interrelated Marketing System: The Case of Durum Wheat and Pasta.- Contractual Relationships and Mechanisms of Coordination: W.J.J. Bijman, R.J.M. van Tulder: Internationalisation and Vertical Relationships in the Dutch Agrifood Sector M.L. Cloutier, S.T. Sonka, R.E. Westgren: The Economics of Learning-Based Strategies and Structural Changes in the UK Pork Chain: A System Dynamics Perspective J.M. Connor: Couponing as a Horizontal and Vertical Strategy: Theory and Effects K. Drescher, O. Maurer: Motives, Consequences and Determinants of Vertical Contractual Relations in Agriculture: Some Results of an Empirical Investigation in Germany C. Eilers, C.H. Hanf: Contracts Between Farmers and Farmers' Processing Co-operatives: A Principal-Agent Approach for the Potato Starch Industry J. Gilpin, W. Bruce Traill: Manufacturer Strategies in the European Food Industry R. Green, M.T. de Noronha, B. Schaller: Supermarkets and Co-ordination Forms in the Food Sector I. Gribbhom, R.W. Kuhl: Effects of Contractual Terms on the Balance of Risk S. Henson, J. Northen: The Role of Quality Assurance in Food Retailer-Manufacturer Relations: The Case of Food Safety Controls in the Supply of Retailer Own-branded Products in the UK C. Lanciotti: Supply Chain Integration, Category Management and the Italian Food Retail Sector S. Monier-Dilhan, H. Ossard, E. Sadoulet: Farmer's Choice about Market and Contract with Price Risk G. Moschini, H. Lapan: Intellectual Property Rights and the Welfare Effects of Agricultural R J. Nefussi, J. Priolon: Coordination without Vertical Integration: The Case of the French Food System B. Senauer, J. Kinsey: The Efficient Consumer Response Initiative: Implictions for Vertical Relationships throughout the US Food System G.W. Ziggers: Vertical Coordination in Agribusiness and Food Industry: The Challenge of Developing Successful Partnerships.- Case Studies: G. Belletti, A. Marescotti: Coordination Mechanisms in the Agro-Industrial System: The Case of High-Oleic Sunflower Z. Bouamra, V. Requillart: Public Intervention in Vertically Related Markets with an Application to Dairy Policy C. Gabriele: Vertical Co-ordination and Competitiveness: The Case of High Quality and Aged Foods R.P.M. De Graaf, J.J. De Vlieger: Vertical Coordination in the Dutch Livestock Industry: Determinants, Developments and Performance F. Declerck, O. Fourcadet, H. Faucher: Forward Contract Versus Spot Market: The Case of the French Beef Chain A. Glandieres, B. Sylvander: Specific Quality and Evolution of Market

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