
Urbanization and rapidly growing population change cities' features andconvert them to concrete jungles with more buildings and fewer green areas. Thisbad conversion cause number of aesthetic, economical, and environmental issueslike air and water pollution, higher energy consumption, increasing airtemperature which lead to discomfort in outdoor and indoor environments.Vertical greenery systems (VGSs) stand as one of the green infrastructure featuresused to indemnify the lack of horizontal greenery and enhance the building envelopinteraction towards the internal and external environment.Vertical greenery systems are living and dynamic component. Manystudies have been conducted to recoginse how vertical greenery systems work andwhat affect their thermal performance. This paper aims to provide a deepunderstanding of different factors that affect the impact of this vegetated wall.These factors fall into two main categories: building-related factors and greeneryrelated factors. Comprehensive review of the variables influencing VGSperformance will lead to better design decisions for VGS elements and willimprove utilization potentials.

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