
Vertical federated learning is designed to protect user privacy by building local models over disparate datasets and transferring intermediate parameters without directly revealing the underlying data. However, the intermediate parameters uploaded by participants may memorize information about the training data. With the recent legislation on the“right to be forgotten”, it is crucial for vertical federated learning systems to have the ability to forget or remove previous training information of any client. For the first time, this work fills in this research gap by proposing a vertical federated unlearning method on logistic regression model. The proposed method is achieved by imposing constraints on intermediate parameters during the training process and then subtracting target client updates from the global model. The proposed method boasts the advantages that it does not need any new clients for training and requires only one extra round of updates to recover the performance of the previous model. Moreover, data-poisoning attacks are introduced to evaluate the effectiveness of the unlearning process. The effectiveness of the method is demonstrated through experiments conducted on four benchmark datasets. Compared to the conventional unlearning by retraining from scratch, the proposed unlearning method has a negligible decrease in accuracy but can improve training efficiency by over 400%.

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