
The Ebola virus disease (EVD) is one of the deadly diseases amongst human and non-human primates caused by most virulent pathogens Ebola virus. Socio-economic impacts of Ebola is very high. In 2014, the latest and largest major outbreak occurred in West African countries Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia. During the outbreak, cases were reported about presence of Ebola virus in semen and breast milk of individuals after recovery. Vertical transmission of disease spread and its impacts on population are studied in this research. How effectively early diagnosis, isolation, awareness campaigns break the chain of infectious cases and control disease spread is studied. Mathematical model for vertical transmission of Ebola with media effect is developed using seven compartments namely susceptible, exposed, infectious, Hospitalised/Isolated, Convalescent, Dead (not properly buried dead bodies of Ebola victims), and Recovered. Basic reproduction number, Disease free equilibrium, Endemic equilibrium are derived. Stability of DFE and EE is established. Numerical simulations are carried out. It is observed that mass media is one of the most effective ways of creating awareness about such type of high mortality disease. Informative awareness amongst public may curb the disease spread and help to control disease in initial stage.

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