
Little work on vertical distribution of cephalopods was possible before the development, in the 1960s, of sophisticated opening-closing devices usable on midwater trawls such as the 10 ft Isaacs Kidd trawl (IKMT; Foxton, 1963; Aron et al. 1964) and the series of rectangular midwater trawls developed by the Institute of Oceanographic Sciences (previously the National Institute of Oceanography) (Clarke, 1969 a; Baker et al. 1973). These developments have resulted in three papers on vertical distribution of cephalopods in the North Atlantic (Clarke, 1969 ft; Gibbs & Roper, 1970; Clarke & Lu, 1974) and one for the Mediterranean (Roper, 1972). The present paper describes the vertical distribution of cephalopods caught at 40° N 20° W, 53° N 20° W and 60° N 20° W in the North Atlantic based upon day and night series of horizontal hauls between the surface and 2000 m using the RMT combination net (Baker et al. 1973).

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