
The geographical distribution and annual mean abundance of Calanus finmarchicus (Gunnerus) and C. helgolandicus (Claus) in the northern North Atlantic Ocean were shown in relation to the seasonal and annual fluctuations of abundance of the species in the Celtic Sea from 1960 to 1981. These congeneric copepods, although showing allopatric distributions over most of their geographical range, have sympatric distributions in the Celtic Sea where they dominate the dry weight biomass of the plankton throughout the year. The two species respond differently to the development of the seasonal thermocline and halocline by taking up different vertical distributions in the water column. C. finmarchicus occurred in the colder, more saline water below the thermocline, while C. helgolandicus occurred in the warmer, less saline water above the thermocline. This behaviour is postulated as a mechanism by which these morphologically similar copepods more fully exploit the resources of their temporally and spatially heterogeneous environment and also minimise interspecific competition. The species have the same foraging techniques and are able to exploit the same size spectrum of particulates. The vertical depth strata in which the populations are found for most of the year in the Celtic Sea means that both species exploit the diatom bloom in early spring but, thereafter, C. helgolandicus grazes on the daily production of the autotrophs in the euphotic zone while C. finmarchicus, below the thermocline, has to rely for its food on sedimenting particulates (whole cells, detritus and faecal material). The isolating mechanisms whereby these two populations partition the habitat in the Celtic Sea are discussed.

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