
Aim. We defined the prevalence of back pain in children and adolescents aged 917 years with spinal deformities.
 Material and methods. The cross-sectional study included 230 students with different spinal deformities aged 917 years. The prevalence of back pain, intensity, location, and situations in which it occurred were assessed via questionnaire.
 Results. Among 230 respondents, 186 (80.9%) admitted that they had experienced back pain (mainly in the lumbar spine) at various frequencies within the year preceding the study. Mild pain was prevalent (71% of respondents). Girls experienced back pain significantly more frequently than boys.
 Conclusions. Back pain in children and adolescents requires clinical and instrumental examination, including X-ray. Back pain is a frequent phenomenon in children with different spinal deformities. Тhe incidence of pain in children and adolescents with spinal deformities in our study is statistically higher than that of healthy individuals of the same age group.


  • We defined the prevalence of back pain in children and adolescents aged 9–17 years with spinal deformities

  • Back pain is a frequent phenomenon in children with different spinal deformities

  • Pyzhevskaya — MD, Head of the Rehabilitation Department of Rehabilitation and Education Center No 76 of Labor and Social Protection of Moscow

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Оригинальные статьи

Цель работы — определить распространенность и характер болевого синдрома в спине у детей в возрасте 9–17 лет с деформациями позвоночника. Для оценки распространенности и характера дорсалгий у детей с деформациями позвоночника проведен анализ клинической картины 230 учащихся 3–11 классов ГБОУ РОЦ No 76 Москвы в возрасте от 9 до 17 лет. Боль в спине часто отмечается у детей и подростков с деформациями позвоночника, требует тщательного обследования с изучением клинической картины, анамнеза и лучевой диагностики. Заключение о неспецифическом характере болевого синдрома у детей и подростков следует выносить при достоверном исключении других его причин — воспалительных и опухолевых. Aim. We defined the prevalence of back pain in children and adolescents aged 9–17 years with spinal deformities. Для цитирования: Ветрилэ М.С., Кулешов А.А., Еськин Н.А., и др.

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