
The former “Direzione generale foreste”, established in 2017 under the scope of theMinistry of Agricultural, food and forestry policies is about to become “Direzione generaleeconomia montana e foreste”. With this transformation, new important duties dedicated to themountain ecosystem are about to unfold. As this moment comes, we take the opportunity tolook back at the activities of the Direzione generale foreste, how these developed and the firstresults achieved. Most importantly, though, we address those results that are lying ahead of usand still need our best efforts. Those goals need to be analysed bearing in mind the focal pointsemerged in the report of the IV Italian National Congress of Silviculture (Turin, November2018). The new National Forestry Strategy along with other initiatives will be a turning point forthis sector. Sustainable forest management and careful planning will ensure higher biodiversityin our forests, contribute to the national natural capital along with the economic developmentof mountain and rural areas, where there is the majority of Italian forests.

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