
The recently published review by Dreiza et al. (Cell Stress and Chaperones DOI 10.1007/s12192-0090127-8 ) dealing with the functional role of HSPB6 in muscle regulation is critically analyzed. Published data indicate that the chaperone-like activity of HSPB6 is comparable with that of HSPB5 and that phosphorylation of HSPB6 does not affect its oligomeric structure. Different hypotheses concerning the molecular mechanisms of HSPB6 action on smooth muscle contraction and on the reorganization of the cytoskeleton are compared, and it is concluded that although HSPB6 is not a genuine actin-binding protein, it can affect the actin cytoskeleton indirectly. Phosphorylated HSPB6 interacts with 14-3-3 and thereby displaces other binding partners of 14-3-3; among them, certain phosphatases, protein kinases, and various actin-binding proteins, which can participate in the reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton. In addition, HSPB6 seems to regulate the activity of certain protein kinases. All of these processes are dependent on HSPB6 phosphorylation which in turn might be regulated by the formation of heterooligomeric complexes of HSPB6 with other small heat shock proteins.

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