
Abstract We study the geometry of some moduli spaces of twisted sheaves on K3 surfaces. In particular we introduce induced automorphisms from a K3 surface on moduli spaces of twisted sheaves on this K3 surface. As an application we prove the unirationality of moduli spaces of irreducible holomorphic symplectic manifolds of K3[2]-type admitting non-symplectic involutions with invariant lattices U(2) ⊕ D4(−1) or U(2) ⊕ E8(−2). This complements the results obtained in [43], [13], and the results from [29] about the geometry of irreducible holomorphic symplectic (IHS) four-folds constructed using the Hilbert scheme of (1, 1) conics on Verra four-folds. As a byproduct we find that IHS four-folds of K3[2]-type with Picard lattice U(2) ⊕ E8(−2) naturally contain non-nodal Enriques surfaces.

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