
Between 2003 and 2007 the Hungarian Paks NPP performed a large modernization project to upgrade its VERONA core monitoring system. The modernization work resulted in a state-of-the-art system that was able to support the reactor thermal power increase to 108% by more accurate and more frequent core analysis. Details of the new system are given in Végh et al. (2008), the most important improvements were as follows: complete replacement of the hardware and the local area network; application of a new operating system and porting a large fraction of the original application software to the new environment; implementation of a new human-system interface; and last but not least, introduction of new reactor physics calculations. Basic novelty of the modernized core analysis was the introduction of an on-line core-follow module based on the standard Paks NPP core design code HELIOS/C-PORCA. New calculations also provided much finer spatial resolution, both in terms of axial node numbers and within the fuel assemblies. The new system was able to calculate the fuel applied during the first phase of power increase accurately, but it was not tailored to determine the effects of burnable absorbers as gadolinium. However, in the second phase of the power increase process the application of fuel assemblies containing three fuel rods with gadolinium content was intended (in order to optimize fuel economy), therefore off-line and on-line VERONA reactor physics models had to be further modified, to be able to handle the new fuel according to the accuracy requirements. In the present paper first a brief overview of the system version (V6.0) commissioned after the first modernization step is outlined; then details of the modified off-line and on-line reactor physics calculations are described. Validation results for new modules are treated extensively, in order to illustrate the extent and complexity of the V&V procedure associated with the development and licensing of the new calculations running in version V6.22 of VERONA. Some details on the experience collected during the operation of the new reactor physics calculations are also discussed. Finally conceptual plans for the next system modification phase are outlined briefly; these changes are induced by the forthcoming introduction of 15 month long fuel cycles (instead of the present 12 month long cycles).

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