
An African green monkey kidney cell line, Vero was tested on its viral susceptibility to 81 laboratory strains covering Paramyxo. Influenza, Entero, Reo, Arbo, Adeno, Herpes, Papova and Poxvirus groups. A wide range of viral susceptibilities was demonstrated excepting the followings·Influenza A2 and B, and among Paramyxoviruses, HA-2, Parainfluenza type 4 and one of the two strains tested of HA-1 was nonpassable or of incomplete reproduction cycle. Coxsackie A-9 virus showed a low titer in this system. Some types of ECHO virus and one of Japanese encephalitis virus (Mukai-m) gave suggestive results for low susceptibility of this cell line. To all other virus strains tested Vero showed good sensitivity as can be used for infectivity titration and virus neutralization tests.On the chromosome analysis Vero showed several characteristics of pseudodiploid nature and cercopithecus origin.

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