
In the last few years, the demand has increased for research on polymeric materials, which can be used as substitutes for injured tissues and organs or to improve their regeneration. In this work, we studied poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA) membranes, a resorbable biomaterial, which were either dense or had different pore diameters (less than 45 microm, between 180 and 250 microm, and between 250 and 350 microm), in relation to stimulation of cell adhesion, growth, and differentiation in vitro. We used Vero cells, a fibroblastic cell line, as the biological model of investigation. We found that cells attached slowly to all PLLA membranes studied. On the other hand, once the adhesion occurs, the cells are able to grow and differentiate on the different polymers. The cells grew to form a confluent monolayer and were capable of producing collagen Type IV and fibronectin on different PLLA membranes. This behavior indicates that cells try to create a better environment to stimulate their growth. This also indicates that Vero cells alter their differentiation pattern once they are producing extracellular matrix molecules related to epithelial differentiation.

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