
The onion (Allium cepa L.) belongs to the family Alliaceae, and the second vegetables in economic importance. It horticultural culture of high relevance, in central-south and in the far south, is highlighting the states of Sao Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Parana. The bulbificacion only begins when the combination of the determinants of bulbificacion (photoperiod and temperature) of each cultivar is reached. It Can be grown in tropical regions with the use of vernalization of the bulbs. The objective of this study is to identify the efficiency in the production of seed, onion depending on the cut or not the bulb before the period of vernalization. The analysis of the variables consisted: humidity; number of seeds; mass of seeds for umbel; umbels number; number of seeds for umbel; total number of flowers and of fecundated flowers; number of seeds for capsule; total mass of seeds; emergency percentage; vigor percentage; index of emergency speed and mass of 100 seeds humidity; number of seeds; mass of seeds for umbel; umbels number; number of seeds for umbel; total number of flowers and of fecundated flowers; number of seeds for capsule; total mass of seeds; emergency percentage; vigor percentage; index of emergency speed and mass of 100 seeds, using the cultivars Baia Periforme and Texas Grano. The experimental design was randomized blocks with four replicates, there was 80 plants for replicate, each parcel was conduced with 20 plants distributed in 4 lines of 5 plants with spacing of 20cm between plants and lines which was avaliated the 6 central plants. The seeds production not variated between cultivars Texas Grano e Baia Periforme. The cultivar Texas Grano showed seeds with more physiological quality. The cut or not cut of the bulbs not changed the physiological quality of the seeds. But utilization of whole bulbs resulted more yield of seeds with more flowers number and fertilized flower in Baia Periforme, more value of the total mass of seeds, number of seeds by plant and number and mass of seed by umbel in two cultivars.

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