
A study of the process of psychoanalytic and psychoanalytically orientated psychotherapy in private practice - initial results The authors present a study using a naturalistic approach, in which the process of psychoanalytic psychotherapy and psychoanalytically-orientated psychotherapy are evaluated both from the point of view of the therapist and the patient. The »GAF-Skala« is used to evaluate the level of psychological functioning, while the development of the psychotherapeutic relationship is being rated using the »Helping Alliance Questionnaire« and the German »Inventar zur Erfassung interpersonaler Probleme « (evaluation scale for interpersonal problems). In this paper, the authors present preliminary results from twenty-three patients who were treated by thirteen therapists. These findings on the development of the therapeutic relationship show that the patient's understanding of satisfaction with the psychotherapeutic process differs greatly from the therapists view. In the early stages of psychotherapy, the patient seem to develop an idealised view of the therapeutic relationship, is soon followed by a rupture, then turns into a greater satisfaction with treatment and the psychotherapeutic relationship.

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