
In the Air Traffic Management (ATM) domain, Surface Routing in the context of Aerodrome Mapping is a challenging and difficult task. Although the scientific community as well as the industry recognizes the usage of common data models and approaches to be of utmost importance in terms of interoperability and the effort needed in automated data processing, at the time being is no global unified approach exists when it comes to aerodrome mapping. In particular, the United States of America and Europe have different approaches. For this reason, an important step towards improved interoperability between air navigation service providers, airspace users, and airports would be the global alignment with respect to surface routing. Under the umbrella of European's Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) and American's Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) initiative, there is an attempt in harmonizing the various concepts used. Taking advantage of the service-oriented architecture infrastructure developed in both initiatives over the past few years, the intention is to consolidate and align this topic by means of using common data models as well as standards-based interfaces and technology and create a global service-based implementation of an Aerodrome Map Information Service (AMIS). This paper presents the Information Service Reference Model (ISRM) approach, developed within the European SESAR project, aiming at a global standardization, especially to be applied and adopted in the American NextGen program. In addition, it describes the developed AMIS, underlying exchange models, identified operations of the service and the Verification and Validation process. The developed approach clearly proved the harmonization of existing concepts and ensures interoperability resulting in reduced data processing effort.

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