
In order to achieve a balance between growth and fruiting, we need to know the peculiarities of growing and fruiting apricot varieties in different areas of the country, in different climatic conditions and under the influence of different rootstocks. From the analysis of the root system we conclude that varieties with a more developed root system, such as NJA 42 have a higher vigor, and varieties with a more superficial root system, give the trees a lower vigor. Varieties with thicker roots in greater numbers, help the absorption of nutrients from the soil, helping the normal development of trees. The study of the peculiarities of tree growth, can specify the way of cutting the respective species, the optimal choice of the crown shape as well as the way of forming the crown. According to the obtained data, we specify that the first order branches represent 30.6% of the total length of the skeleton, and the second order branches represent 69.2%. In the southern part of the country, the researched apricot varieties have demonstrated their favorability for this area, through superior quantity and quality.

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