
Danish emission values, implied emission factors (IEFs) and activity data (AD) for the national greenhouse gas inventory are assessed according to an updated verification procedure. Focus is on 28 Annex II indicators and 25 identified Key Categories, represented by 29 verification categories covering energy, agriculture, industry and waste. The data are based on the national greenhouse gas inventory for the years 1990 (base year), 2000 and 2010, as reported in 2012, and provided by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the European Union. Inter-country comparison and time trend consistency check of Annex II indicators, covering energy and industry, is made for EU15 countries, excluding Italy and Luxembourg. Inter-country comparison and time trend consistency check of IEFs is made for EU15 countries, excluding Luxemburg and including Norway and Switzerland and for some verification steps also including Australia, Canada, Japan, Russian Federation, USA and aggregated values for EU15 ...

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