
Subglacial geology remains largely unknowns in Antarctica. Direct geological samples are limited to ice free regions along the coast, high mountain ranges or isolated nunataks, while the origin of geological material transported by glaciers themselves is often ambiguous. 3D singular and joint inversions of airborne gravity and magnetic data recovers subsurface density and susceptibility distribution. The relationship between both inverted petrophysical quantities provide crucial insight for subglacial geology and rock provinces interpretations. Validation of indirect derived subglacial geology models are critical but very challenging in Antarctica due to the sparsity of rock samples. We present 324 new density and susceptibility measurements on rock samples from Northern Victory Land, East Antarctica. 251 samples have been measured at the National Polar Sample Archive (NAPA) from the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) in Berlin-Spandau, Germany and additional 73 samples were measured at the BGR in Hannover, Germany. We use the petrophysical measurements to validate our recent regional scale 3D joint inversion model of the Wilkes Subglacial Basin and the Transantarctic Mountains. Furthermore, we validate inversion results on a local scale of singular magnetic inversion based on high resolution airborne magnetic data with a flight line spacing of 500m in the Mesa Range. We demonstrate that we can provide reliable discrimination between Ferrar Dolerites, Kirkpatrick Basalt and Granite Harbour intrusion rocks based on our local inversion model and that the recovered susceptibilities agree with those measured at rock samples from the study area. Furthermore, we show that regional scale inversion model of gravity and susceptibility distribution agrees for samples of the dominant crustal rock types. However, densities of small-scale dense intrusion bodies like Ferrar Dolerites are underestimated by the regional scale inversion, while the susceptibility range is correctly recovered. Constraining subglacial geology with joint inversion of airborne potential field data is heavily depended on the resolution of the airborne survey, flight line coverage, the inversion scale, and the scale of the target feature. Regional scale inversion is adequate for large scale geological heterogeneities, which underestimate petrophysical quantities for small scale structures, while local scale inversions are able to resolve such structures but are more computational demanding and in the case of Antarctica lack ultra-high resolution airborne gravity data with a line spacing below 1000 – 500m.

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