
Predicate encryption (PE), a generalization of attribute-based encryption (ABE), is a versatile tool for providing access control over data. The underlying predicate for a PE is parametrized by an index, called system parameter or simply system-index. A system-index, in general, consists of component(s) from . Yamada et al. in PKC 2011 proposed a verifiability-based conversion from CPA to CCA-secure ABE. This conversion was generalized by Yamada et al. in PKC 2012 from ABE to PE. In the later conversion, the authors considered the system-index to be a single component. In practice, there are many schemes, e.g., functional encryption for general relations and hierarchical-inner product (HIP) encryption schemes of Okamoto-Takashima in CRYPTO 2010, CANS 2011 and EUROCRYPT 2012, where system-indices consist of more than a single component. Therefore, for these schemes, the conversion of Yamada et al. (in PKC, 2012) is out of scope. In this paper, we revisit the CPA to CCA conversion for PE and propose a new conversion based on verifiability. The proposed conversion works irrespective of the number of components in the system-indices. It generalizes the existing conversion of Yamada et al. (in PKC, 2011) from ABE to PE. The PE schemes which are realized by the conversion of Yamada et al. (2011) are also realized by our conversion. Therefore, the conversion of ours has more scope than the conversion proposed in 2012. We show that all the aforementioned CPA-secure schemes for general relations and HIP relation are easily converted to the corresponding CCA-secure schemes by our conversion. Further, we show a generic conversion from CPA to CCA-secure functional encryption for regular languages which captures the existing PE schemes for regular languages.

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