
115 tonsils of healthy slaughter pigs were culturally examined for presence of Yersinia (Y.) enterocolitica. For this purpose each sample was enriched both in phosphate buffered saline solution (pH 7.6; stored at 4 °C and plated every week, thrice all together) and modified Rappaport broth (plated after an incubation of two days at 22 °C). Each such enrichment was plated on 5 different selective media: Yersinia selective agar proposed by Wauters (1973), deoxycholate-citrate-mannitol agar ( Saari and Jansen, 1979), pectin agar ( Bowen and Kominos), Mac Conkey and Leifson agar as used in the routine diagnostic of Enterobacteriaceae. Each agar plate was incubated at 28 °C for two days. By cold enrichment method were isolated 11 strains of human pathogenic Y. enterocolitica (9 X 0-group I syn. serotype O : 3 ; 2 X 0-group V syn. serotype O:9). With the modified Rappaport medium were recovered 33 strains (24 X O-group I, 9 X O-group V). The most recoveries were done over the Yersinia selective agar with 65.2%, then followed deoxycholate-citrate-mannitol agar with 57.6%, Leisfon agar with 45.5%, Mac Conkey agar with 42.3% and pectin agar only with 18.2% of the isolations. Not only the type of enrichment medium has a marked effect in the recovery efficiency of Y. enterocolitica out of samples but also number and type of the used selective media on which the enrichment is plated.

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