
Screening tests with the aid of multiallergen combinations facilitate the clarification of a wide range of allergens in the serum. Depending on the test mixture, with this method proof of sensitisation is possible not only for a single allergen, but also for a complete allergen group. These tests are also helpful in doubtful anamnestic situations, and where it is necessary to ascertain results with comparitively small quantities of serum. Comparison of the AllergyScreen concept with the established single system of Pharmacia and the Skin Test has shown that this is a convincing method for determining a comprehensive specific sensitisation pattern in the patient. This can be achieved quickly at low cost, and with minimum material expenditure, which is not possible with single allergen determinations. The sensitivity and specificity of the system is very closely approximate to skin testing, and corresponds to a conventional single allergen system. The data of the mean sensitivity: AllergyScreen/Skin prick test: 95.1%; AllergyScreen/CAP: 84.3%, CAP/Skin prick test: 95.8%; the data of the mean specificity: AllergyScreen/Skin prick test: 80.2%, AllergyScreen/CAP: 95%; CAP/ Skin prick test: 76.1%; the data of the mean concordance: AllergyScreen/Skin-Prick test: 88.3%, AllergyScreen/CAP: 90.6%; CAP/ Skin prick test: 87.5%.

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