
Recorded instances of poisoning in ancient Rome were studied. The firs t such event was in 33l BC when, concurrent with a serious epidemic, 170 women were formed guilty of mass poisoning. Historians reported a subsequent increase in deliberate poisoning, which appeared to reach an alarming peak during the Julio-Claudian dynasty and the reign of Nero in particular.


  • Die voorkoms van vergiftiging in antieke Rome word beliandel

  • Historians reported a subsequent increase in deliberate poi.soning, which appeared to reach an alarm ing peak during the Julio-Claudian dynasty and the reign o f Nero in p articu lar Suicide by poi.son hy(.v rare, but Plin y the Eld er condoned euthanasia in the elderly and infirm when so requested

  • A large number o fpoisonous substances o fplant, anim al and m ineral origin were described by Dioscorides, Scribonius Largus, Plin y the Elder, Nicander, Galen and others

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Die voorkoms van vergiftiging in antieke Rome word beliandel. Die eersle insident aangeteken was in 331 I'.C. toe 170 vroiie ,'ikiildig bevind is aan massa-vergiftiging ten lye van ’n ernstige epidemie. In 154 v.C. word twee voormalige konsuls deur hul vrouc met gif vermoor; volgens Livius (Epitom ae 48) raak dit duidclik dal vcrgiftiging nou bcsig was om in Rome 'n ernstige euwcl le word.' Die Senaat het direkte jurisdiksic verkry oor alle mi.sdaad wal ’ n openbarc ondersoek benodig hcl, soos vcrraad, samcswerings, sluipmoord en vcrgiftiging

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