
The article describes the structure and means of verbalization of one of the basic concepts in the individual author’s conceptual worldview of Myroslav Dochynets – the concept word. It is proved that the cross-cutting cultural concept in the writer’s work is connected with the spiritual sphere, with a person’s faith and morality, which is confirmed by the frequency of use, in particular in intertextems – titles of works and their epigraphs. The components of the nuclear, core, and peripheral zones of the concept field are described, actualizing the conceptual, figurative, and value components in the structure of the concept word. We determine the three-dimensionality of the given concept in Myroslav Dochynets’ works: mystical – creative – dualistic, which is metaphorically verbalized in actual metaphors, similes, personifications, epithets. The micro-contexts from the works of the writer presented in the article clearly testify to the involvement in the concept of the components of the moral-ethical and mental plans related to the implementation of the dichotomies own – others, good – evil, truth – lies, with the identification of the word with a person, with their people. It is found that this goes beyond the interpretation of the concept, verbalized in explanatory dictionaries of the Ukrainian language, and testifies to its originality in the cognitive continuum, its deep philosophical background, secret essence and archetypal character, which is stipulated by the writer’s attraction to folklore, Christian perception of the environment. The description of the verbalized concept, firstly, can be useful for compiling a semantic dictionary of the Ukrainian language and expanding the dictionary of the language of creative personalities of Ukraine in the second half of the 20th – beginning of the 21st century; secondly, it can be useful in the process of studying the Ukrainian language as a foreign language, because it produces illustrative material for learning the deep meanings of the national conceptual sphere.

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