
The relevance of the research is determined by the tendency of modern media discourse towards emotionality, evaluativeness, the importance of emotional language means the process of perceiving a journalistic text. Undeniable today is the growing popularity of digital media, which emphasizes the need to learn the language of emotions in the online environment. The subject of studies is language techniques and means of emotional expression in the texts of national news resources "Ukrainska Pravda" and "Dzerkalo Tyzhnia". The study aims to monitor and systematize the most common verbal markers of emotionality in online publications, to highlight the dominant connotative emotional language units in the context of the analyzed topics. The research methodology includes a complex of general scientific methods: conceptual analysis, content analysis, induction, analysis and synthesis, comparison, systematization an classification. The novelty of intelligence lies in typology language means and methods of expressing the emotional spectrum in online texts. As a result of the research, it was found that an important component of the media text is the audience's emotional reaction to it. Emotions are verbalized with the help of emotives i.e. language units of different levels (lexical, morphological, syntactic, stylistic). The content analysis of the all-Ukrainian online editions "Dzerkalo Tyzhnia" and "Ukrainska Pravda" from September 2020 to March 2021 showed the dominance of emotions with a negative connotation, corresponding to the emotions and experiences of journalists and recipients regarding conflict i.e. sensitive topics (Covid-19, violation of human rights and freedoms, violence, corruption). Metaphors and epithets, foreign vocabulary, qualitatively evaluative adjectives and idioms, subjective modal syntactic constructions with evaluative semantics, colloquial and colloquial vocabulary, neologisms are most often used. Emotionally expressive means demonstrate the dominance of a pejorative construction of reality, cause a predicted emotional effect in the audience and tend to model the language picture of modern media texts in the online space.

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