
The article deals with investigating the speech ways of the realization of a manipulative effect in the discourse of the Republicans about the Russian-Ukrainian war.
 The intensive development of political technologies, ever-increasing role of mass media, the acuteness of the problem of language manipulative potential encourage the increase in attention of society to the theory and practice of usage of special ways which favour the realization of the political discourse main functions. The defining feature of political discourse is struggle for power, which provides for bringing the greatest possible number of supporters to their side, that is why the subjects of politics should create such a discursive reality which would meet the needs, interests and expectations of their audience. Description is not an aim of political discourse, its aim is to persuade a recipient, arouse certain intentions and induce to act.
 Political activity has a lot of manifestations, and one of them is war. So, war is part of politics and, respectively, accepts all its features and characteristics. We consider that war discourse is an integral component of political discourse. Discourse of the militaries about war, discourse of politicians about war, discourse of mass media which highlights military operations are classified as war It’s a well-known fact that war is a continuation of politics with the help of violent means and is connected with the shift of relationships between the subjects of politics. So, it is obvious that the war discourse of the aggressor state politicians as well as the discourse of the states which are the allies of the aggressor state and of those who are interested in waging this war are unduly manipulative.
 Any manipulation is realized by using the certain speech means in particular by speech effect.
 Speech effect is the use of the peculiarities of the language system and functioning which have an increased capability of the effect on the consciousness and conduct of the recipient or recipients of a message.
 American politicians, the representatives of the Republican party, use the following lingual ways and means to realize the manipulative effect on the audience in their discourse about the Russian-Ukrainian war: "labelling", stereotypes, comparisons, repeats, coinages, suppression of information which appears in concealing the certain topics or in their partial presentation.

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