
Brothers and Sisters in the Lord: The Three-Self Patriotic Movement (TSPM) and the Christian Council of Guangzhou have received a circular from the government's Religious Affairs Department to the effect that the department has decided to restrict Lin Xiangao from conducting illegal religious activities. We express support for this decision. Back in the 1950s, Lin Xiangao was sentenced to twenty years of penal labor in 1958 for breaking the law. He was released in 1978 after completing his sentence and was deprived of his political rights for five years. During this period, he did not have the rights to the freedom of speech, of the press, of assembly, or of association. Lin Xiangao should have learned a lesson, changed his ways, and accepted supervision by the people in a law-abiding manner. While he was deprived of his political rights, however, he conducted illegal preaching activities at his place of residence at Damazhan. Moreover, without permission from the government departments concerned, he printed and distributed books and publications, illegally recorded and sold tape recordings of his sermons, and distributed these books, publications, and tape recordings in other localities. Even more serious, Lin Xiangao flagrantly violated the government ruling that forbids churches abroad from spreading religion in China in any form or manner. He allowed overseas evangelists, who had received no previous approval from our Protestant church, to conduct religious activities at his place of residence, thus infringing on the sovereignty of China's churches and violating government policy. To ensure normal religious activities and uphold social order and the government's policies, laws, and decrees, the government has correctly decided to put a stop to Lin Xiangao's unlawful activities.

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