
The article is devoted to the current problem of verbal aggression. The aim of the study is to identify the types of verbal aggression and the means of its realization. The object of research comprises lexico-semantic and stylistic methods of expression of aggressiveness in extremist-terrorist texts. It is noted that the peculiarity of the texts of extremist and terrorist orientation can be attributed to the fact that this discourse is characterized by internal and external precedence. Crimes of extremist orientation can be divided into those accompanied and non-accompanied by physical violence . The latter make up the category of the so-called “verbal aggression”. As a result of the actual material analysis, several types of extremist verbal acts are identified and characterized. The research method of selection of material is the method of directed sampling; when analyzing the actual material, the methods of contextual, discursive and component analysis, as well as the methods of corpus linguistics are used: automated information extraction and the natural language processing methods. The practical significance of the work consists in the fact that the results of the study can be used in various linguistic, primarily lexicological and semasiological seminars, when reading courses “Modern lexicology”, “History of Language”, writing qualification papers, which include theoretical and methodological issues of lexicology, lexicography, theory and practice of mass media, and stylistics of modern media. The author of the study comes to the conclusion that in the era of information civilization, the concept of verbal aggression is gaining more and more global and expansive content. The word does not only become an instrument of attack and defense in dialogue, but is also a tool of mass control and suppression. Information warfare turns out to be the main form of war.

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