
Limits of Stability protocols are typically target-oriented, leaving volitional aspects of control unobservable. A novel unconstrained protocol, volitional Limits of Stability (vLOS), shows high test-retest-reliability. We tested if verbal encouragement impacts this protocol. Forty healthy young adults (age 20.1 ± .9 years) performed three trials of vLoS with instructions that were agnostic to strategy or vigor, except trial three included verbal encouragement. Total sway area was used to metric the maximum volitional dynamic sway during each 1-min trial. One-way, repeated-measures ANOVA revealed significant differences (F(2,117) = 41.56, p < 0.0001, η p 2 = 0.52) due to encouragement. Specifically, follow-up paired t-tests showed no difference in sway area between the first two trials (p = 0.61), while trial three was much larger than trials one and two (p < 0.0001). Significant, large increases in sway area with verbal encouragement indicate that top-down mechanisms should be considered in theories of postural control. As well, clinical utilization of novel vLOS should be careful with word selection and delivery of protocol instructions. HIGHLIGHTS Limits of Stability balance tests typically include a goal directed instruction and metrics. Dynamic postural sway should be tested in a task affording participant volitional control. A novel volitional Limits of Stability protocol has been developed. Maximal dynamic postural sway responds to motivating instructions. Psychological factors of postural sway control deserve further investigation.

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