
Verapamil is used clinically as a Ca 2+ channel inhibitor for the treatment of various disorders such as angina, hypertension and cardiac arrhythmia. Here we study the effect of verapamil on the bacterium Escherichia coli. The drug was shown to inhibit cell division at growth sub inhibitory concentrations, independently of the SOS response. We show verapamil is a membrane active drug, with similar effects to dibucaine, a local anesthetic. Thus, both verapamil and dibucaine abolish the proton motive force and decrease the intracellular ATP concentration. This is accompanied by induction of degP expression, as a result of the activation of the RpoE (SigmaE) extra-cytoplasmic stress response, and activation of the psp operon. Such effects of verapamil, as a membrane active compound, could explain its general toxicity in eukaryotic cells.

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