
VERAIO is a set of utility codes used to provide a common set of input and outputs to the Virtual Environ ment for Reactor Applications (VERA). VERA is a collection of several different computer codes that all have a common input and output. This prevents the need to manage input and output from each individual code, allowing for ease of use and reducing errors associated with code operability. The VERAIO utilities include VERAIn, VERAView, and VERARun. Each of these utilities is described below. VERAIn is an input processor that reads an ASCII input file generated by users, parses the file, performs some error checking, and writes an XML file to be read by other VERA codes. The main purpose of VERAIn is to provide a common input to all of the VERA codes so users only need to learn one input. VERAIn is written in Perl and uses YAML configuration files to provide flexibility. VERAView is a graphical user interface (GUI) that reads a VERA HDF output file and allows users to visualize results. VERAView is written in Python. VERARun is a script that drives the VERA execution in a high performance computing (HPC) environment. Work performed at the code level supports the Quality Assurance Program Plan (QAPP) (VERA-QA-001), and VERA Software Quality Assurance Plan (VERA-QA-002).

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