
ABSTRACT We explore how X-ray reverberation around black holes may reveal the presence of the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO), predicted by general relativity, and probe the dynamics of the plunging region between the ISCO and the event horizon. Being able to directly detect the presence of the ISCO and probe the dynamics of material plunging through the event horizon represents a unique test of general relativity in the strong field regime. X-ray reverberation off of the accretion disc and material in the plunging region is modelled using general relativistic ray tracing simulations. X-ray reverberation from the plunging region has a minimal effect on the time-averaged X-ray spectrum and the overall lag-energy spectrum, but is manifested in the lag in the highest frequency Fourier components, above $0.01\, c^{3}\, (GM)^{-1}$ (scaled for the mass of the black hole) in the 2–4 keV energy band for a non-spinning black hole or the 1–2 keV energy band for a maximally spinning black hole. The plunging region is distinguished from disc emission not just by the energy shifts characteristic of plunging orbits, but by the rapid increase in ionization of material through the plunging region. Detection requires measurement of time lags to an accuracy of 20 per cent at these frequencies. Improving accuracy to 12 per cent will enable constraints to be placed on the dynamics of material in the plunging region and distinguish plunging orbits from material remaining on stable circular orbits, confirming the existence of the ISCO, a prime discovery space for future X-ray missions.

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